Squarepusher: Live in Gdansk

James Blake made the ladies swoon, Jazzanova made the crowd groove, but In Gda?sk ‘party’ is now spelled S-Q-U-A-R-E-P-U-S-H-E-R. We watched Tom Jenkinson entrance the crowd with his hypnotic live show, swirling LED lights synced in time with his pulsing waves of broken bass, channeling 8-bit-flavored drum’n’bass electro across a crowd eager to rave hard. The show was a first opportunity for fans to catch a glimpse of some previously-unheard material from Squarepusher‘s new album Ufabulum, due to drop tomorrow. The energy in the room was intense, the enigmatic and helmeted Jenkinson conducting the crowd through a frenzy of sweat and pounding beats.
If this just isn’t enough Squarepusher for you, then you’re in luck. The next issue of Electronic Beats Magazine will feature what we can only describe as the Essential Squarepusher Interview. Conducted by EB’s Editor-In Chief Max Dax, it’s an in-depth look at the man behind the music. Be sure to check out our photos from the festival too, as well as tons from the other EB festivals. See what you’re missing, and be sure not to miss any more!
Published May 14, 2012.