Telekom Electronic Beats

Are Millennials "Over" Clubbing? The Guardian Asks

According to this article from the Guardian, young people are less interested in clubbing than previous generations—in their words, “the days of dancing your heart out in a dingy nightclub are no more.” The piece reports that a study from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) eliminated the price of entry into nightclubs from the array of goods and services usually used to calculate inflation and reflects that we spend more on coffee than going out. The G—somewhat dubiously, if you ask us—uses this omission as evidence that people between the ages of 18 and 35 don’t want to go out anymore because they prefer to talk to people via social media rather than IRL. There’s also a leap from there to reports a few months ago that clubs all over Europe are shutting down thanks to gentrification.

We kind of can’t even with this, but if you can, go fill out the Guardian’s questionnaire, which demands to know if “you think your generation is less interested in clubbing” and “less interested in meeting face to face.” Ffs.
