Telekom Electronic Beats

How To Have A New Home-Built Record Player in 6 Easy Steps

Buying things is time-consuming and unsatisfying. Making them is better. Don’t believe us? Let’s run through your typical consumer process:

1. Determine your desired model.

2. Look online.

3. Find the right price.

4. Go to the store.

5. Take it home.

Ok, let’s just stop right there. That’s 5 seperate steps already. Why go to so much trouble when you can simply make one yourself in 6 steps? Some guy on Instructables named “Mike” has posted a 6 step guide to building your own turntable all for the not-too-shabby price of 20 bucks. Read the instructions here. But, let’s be honest, everyone already has a record player. If you’re such a person, then check out Mike’s instructions for a “water blob“.

Read a history of the Technics SL-1200—a more iconic turntable than you’ll ever make at home—here.

(via The Vinyl Factory)
