See Anthony Naples and Huerco S’s Japan Tour Photo Diary
In July, right around the time I released Huerco S.’s new EP on my label, Proibito, we were invited to play in Osaka, Japan at the Liquid Room and Circus Osaka. Brian [Leeds, Huerco S.’s real name] and I took a disposable camera with us to document our time in Tokyo, Osaka and Kamakura. We thought about spending a few days trying to climb Mt. Fuji or roaming around in the wilderness, but because we ended up staying out well past morning every night, that didn’t happen. Most of these photos were taken in a half-awake daze on an ordinary roof, but now I think of those roofs as the setting of some of the best memories Brian and I have made in a while. Shouts to everyone we met and to Liquid Room, Circus and Yuko for having us.

Published August 19, 2015.