How Blockchain Technology Is Changing The Way We Rave

Amnesia Scanner and Mat Dryhurst talk about the rise of “crypto-raves.”
A new feature on Wired explains how word of a “crypto-enabled rave revival” has spread from the dark net and clandestine forums. We’re not exactly sure what’s being revived, as rave culture both secretive and public has been going strong for years and its interaction with blockchain technology is new. But we get the point: with the help of crypto tech, electronic music culture could escape into a truly underground and alternative world.
Those familiar with experimental electronic music and its interaction with cutting-edge tech will be familiar with the article’s two sources: technologist and go-to expert for all things music and crypto Mat Dryhurst and the Young Turks affiliates of Amnesia Scanner. As Dryhurst describes, the process of getting into a crypto-rave is pretty different from getting into a regular nightclub: attendees may get a text message invite from a friend and receive keys that unlock more invites using blockchain technology. Such a procedure allows organizers and partygoers to remain anonymous and ensures only invitees will know about the event.
Amnesia Scanner was anonymously drafted to play at such events and reports that the scene goes much deeper. They make reference to “rumours about a German decentralised autonomous rave scene where participants ingest sleep medication and force themselves to stay awake.” That’s news to us, but we’ll keep our eyes peeled.
Read more: How cryptocurrencies could be the future of music streaming