Download A Free Collection Of Moog Mother 32 Samples For Ableton Live

Channel some semi-modular Moog power from your laptop.
Analog and vintage synths are great, but they’re not the easiest pieces of equipment to take on the road. Whether as a travelling musician or just someone who wants to be able to make tunes on the fly, having access to beautiful sounding synths from the convenience of your laptop is essential.
Now, thanks to a generous electronic musician and sound engineer named Gianclaudio Moniri, you have access to a free live rack of Moog‘s awesome Mother-32 synth (pictured). It’s semi-modular versatility is just the thing to add some spice to your Ableton Live projects wherever you may be. You can download it for free here.
Read more: 8 unconventional ways to make music (and buck capitalism!)