This New Module Combines The Power Of Eurorack With A Theremin

The Thereminator will bring an edge to your studio setup.
Want to bridge the history of electronic music technology in one great new module? Then the WaveLicker Thereminator might be the Eurorack module for you.
Combining one of the oldest electronic instruments with the most cutting edge advances in analog synthesis, the Thereminator is designed to take the control voltage signal of a theremin antenna and convert it into three gate and trigger signals.
In the video above, Swiss thereminist Coralie Ehinger shows just how powerful the module is. It has added extra versatility for performance that allows users to ditch the computer and focus entirely on hardware. As Ehinger explains, “It boosted my creativity and totally changed my solo theremin performance: I am not using any playback or computer devices on stage anymore. I can play synth and my theremin simultaneously.” You can find out more about the module over at the Wavelicker site here.
Read more: This 9 year old plays a theremin better than you ever will