Someone Made A Database Of Female And Non-Binary Artists

“I’d love to book more women and trans people to DJ, but I just don’t know any” is no longer an excuse.
As was recently revealed in the 2017 FACTS study commissioned by feminist network female:pressure, acts identifying as female continue to be distinctly under-represented at many of the world’s most important alternative electronic music events. This striking gap only further amplifies difficulties for trans and gender nonconforming acts, who made up only a meagre 0.6% representation at these same festivals.
Beyond overt forms of sexism, it has been the plea of naivety—a lack of exposure to female, trans or non-identifying DJs—that has often justified this startling gender gap in the electronic music world. While international networks like female:pressure and proactive collectives like Discwoman—both of whom sat down with us in this fascinating interview—are bringing much-needed exposure to many of the world’s great female electronic music talents, the same excuse continues to be trotted out: “If I knew female and trans DJs, I would book them” is the type of half-baked retort offered meekly, but sincerely, all too regularly.
Now, however, even that excuse has been eliminated. According to Out Magazine, a group of NYC creatives and the online publication Here You Are New York has created an ever-growing database of female, trans and other gender non-conforming acts and collectives. The list is a Google Doc and names can be added to the list via submission. The database currently features regions all along the east coast of the United States, plus lists of record labels and non-performing supports like agents, bookers and studios. Along with the database of names, a second version of the list includes photos of the electronic artists featured. Check it out here.
Read more: How two feminist DJ collectives are turning clubs into safer spaces