Telekom Electronic Beats

This Store Only Sells Cassette Tapes

We wonder what’s next.

There is a store in Toronto that just sells cassette tapes. That this has happened should surprise nobody considering the hype surrounding old-media (like vinyl *cough*) these days. The store, called The Dupe Shop, is just the next logical step in the order of retro nostalgia. The store’s main focus lies in cassette tapes, and it offers new releases from around the world as well as deadstock tapes with a primarily ’90s rock focus.

“We kind of want to make this a hub for cassette culture, it’s kind of a cool, eclectic mix we’re creating,” says the store’s manager Malin Johnson. Meanwhile we’re waiting for someone to open an 8-track store…

Read More: Prisons are keeping cassette tapes alive in the US

(via Chart Attack)
