Watch Moby And David Bowie Describe The Internet In 1995

Because nobody cruises the information superhighway like a celebrity.
Back in the ’90s, the internet was a neat gimmick. It was something people didn’t really understand yet. Many believed it would just be a fad—like a blip of hype that hits hard and then disappears, like Pokémon Go. Damn were they wrong!
Watch what artists and musicians had to say about “the web” in a hilarious MTV video from 1995. “We all have a basic deep need to communicate with eachother. That sort of explains the popularity of something like this”, says Moby. That was a much more optimistic resonse than the one provided by David Bowie. Asked, “if he jacked into the internet” yet, he answers that he’s “tired of the rubbish on it” and has “already dropped out again.”
Tired of the internet. In 1995. LOL. Check out the video here.
For more online nostalgia, check out the original online electronic music guide. Or read up on how Calvin and Hobbes predicted vaporwave in 1992.
(via The Next Web)