EB Video Premiere: Gudrun Gut – Garten
“Garten” offers a preview of Berlin independent music activist and musician Gudrun Gut‘s new album Wildlife. Indeed, the video tells a story that may only be familiar to you if you’re someone who tends to their own natural space; preparing, hacking, seeding, watering, growing and harvesting the vegetables and fruits of a garden. You might think that a garden is an essence of civilisation, but cultivating means crossing the spheres of human-made to nature-force every year, with every season.
In spring, you have to free the soil, and from that point the cycle begins once more, a cycle which moves at an almost imperceptible pace. Sonja Bender, who shot on location in the Uckermark region of Germany, shows a young man, a Greek statue, who is moved to unseen forces to the straight ahead beat of “Garten”. Around him, sunlight and shadows frame the garden: wild grasses, and thistles, and bumblebees. At the end, a whole crew of people—all ages—have themselves moved. Yet, nothing has really happened, and that’s the thrill of it.
Gudrun Gut’s new album Wildlife and Best Garden EP are out now on monika enterprise.
Published October 11, 2012. Words by christoph braun.