10 x 4 – Antoni Maiovvi
Antoni Maiovvi. An Italian avenger from the mists of time or a bloke from Bristol who makes noise music, slavishly detailed Italo homages or ghetto-flavoured witch house. We’re not quite sure. With a prolific work rate that has seen him just release his third record with the ever dependable Seed – a double album called Battlestar Transreplica / Trial By Bullet we are surprised he found the time to answer our 10 x 4 questions. Then again in his crime fighting day job he should be used to filling in forms. Check out the stunning MurderFunk a the bottom of the page.
Favourite part of the day to create?
As much of a night owl as I am, taking Monday off to reset, the best time to write is Tuesday to Friday between 10am and 6pm. It’s a struggle to keep regular hours, especially with all the vigilante justice I have to dish out each and every night…
Method or madness?
Distance. Blocking out the world, allowing sounds to inspire seemingly out of nowhere. Putting yourself on receive like some lovecraftian radio. I guess that is madness then.
Most influential person?
First musical love?
First total obsession was The Cure. I still find new things in Disintegration all the time.
One thing you cannot live with out?
Personal space and the ability to physically hide from the world for days on end. Sometimes I like to be near people and not talk to them. People find this strange. I like people, don’t get me wrong, I just don’t see why I can’t sit quietly and listen every so often.
Favourite instrument?
Voice. I wish I could sing better, or at least control my singing as well as others who have more natural talent. I never wanted to be a singer, it just kind of happened when I was a teenager playing in rock bands and as I get older I wish I’d concentrated on it more.
Biggest break so far?
To be honest I don’t think I’ve really had one. There are events and situations that I’m very proud of. My 2nd album becoming a featured torrent on Cinemageddon (an uber geeky psychotronic movie site) and seeing all the users discuss if it was a real soundtrack or not. Meeting Goblin. Going to clubs and people knowing my records. Antoni Maiovvi began as a fun side project to all my noise / “serious” composition work. I really never expected for it to go this far!
Secret tip?
Guitar pedals. Not everyone can afford hardware. A free VST softsynth run through a decent distortion / fuzz / analog delay / phaser adds character, dirt and magic to any mix.
A place to create?
At home. I had a studio once, and I did a lot of work there, but comparatively since having windows I’ve written a lot more, even if those windows are closed and the curtains are drawn. Having the option helps a lot.
Last thing that inspired you?
Being horny, lonely and unable to connect with any other human being.
Published September 23, 2011.