Telekom Electronic Beats

10 x 4 – Shelter Point

While there’s no shortage of garage-informed production duos with youth on their side and a fetish for yearning, treated sonics, Nottingham’s Shelter Point have certainly caught our ears. And we’re not the only ones – their EP Forever For Now will be coming out later this month on Scuba’s respected Hotflush label, a departure for a label perhaps more acquainted with the grittier end of the dancefloor. Essentially, If you’ve a soft spot for Breton, Mount Kimbie or the watery sonics of Joy Orbison, we reckon you’ll be into these boys. We decided to pose Liam and Robin a few character-testing questions to help us get better acquainted.


1. Is any aspect of fame important and if yes, why’s that? 

Liam: I think getting our music heard by a larger audience is the important part. When we’re doing something that we love, and people are appreciating it, that’s awesome.

2. If you were still in high school, which clique would you belong to?

Robin: Liam used to bully me back in school. He once backed me into a corner and whipped me with a tie until I cried.

L: I’m not that person anymore.

3. An album that changed the way you thought?

R: Flying Lotus – Los Angeles

L: Radiohead – The Bends

4. What does underground and mainstream mean to you?

R: People tend to take you more seriously when you’re part of the underground scene nowadays, though there isn’t much underground in Coventry.

L: There’s a lot of great music in both mainstream and underground. Underground is slowly becoming more and more mainstream in a way, but I don’t tend to label music in that way, I just listen to it for what it is.

5. What defines your music-making process?

R: We struggle to make a tune without Pop and fags.

L: Pepsi or Coke, either of those will suffice. We reward ourselves with victory cigarettes once a tune is finished.

6. Latest find on Soundcloud?

L: Anything by Lapalux or T.I.P, they both continue to amaze me with each tune.

R: My flatmate Matt has spent the last 6 months making some spacey triphop r’n’b. He goes under Warner on Soundcloud.

7. Name three essential artists.

Both: Wu-Tang ClanJeff BuckleyDilla.

8.  Indispensable outfit?

R: Liam’s homemade sleeveless jackets.

L: I’m definitely going to throw them all away, they’re shit. Robin’s Casio Watch/Calculator combo is the cherry on the cake for any outfit he wears.

9.  Do you believe in the paranormal?

L: I was sleeping a couple of nights ago, and I’m certain that something pulled my toe, so I dipped under the covers.

R: Sometimes, depends how much I’ve smoked.

10. One thing you can’t live without?

R: The internet.

L: Pokemon.

Published October 04, 2012.