10 x 4 – Trikk
Trikk is sick. The third signing to George Fitzgerald‘s Man Make Music label Trikk explores a mutated strain of club music that is as informed by bass as it is by classic house and soul. Deep and luxurious with plenty of grit in the details, we cannot get enough of his productions – take a listen to MMM003 below. So what else to do except grab the man known as Bruno Deodato for a 10 x 4.
Favourite part of the day to create?
I create all day. Even if I’m looking for something on the internet that’s unrelated with music, i’m always there with software running in the background, playing some notes on the piano. So it’s all day, I think!
Most influential person?
At the moment it’s Rick Wade. I don’t think I could say who’s had the most influence on me since I started making music. So many people…
First musical love?
Maybe Juan Atkins, the track “Urban Tropics”.
Last musical love?
For shure B-Tracks – Come Back EP!
One thing you cannot live with out?
Favourite instrument?
Theremin, it’s such a magical instrument.
Biggest surprise?
In my short music career, probably George FitzGerald hitting me up for an EP.
Secret tip?
In my productions I always use doubled drums. So if you have one kick, snare, hi-hat, for example, I layer this with different drums, some times even three samples. This way you always more varied and punchier drums, and then you can add reverbs, delays just in one of the samples. The possibilities are endless – you have just to mix all the drums together the way you want.
A place to create?
Right now, the place I create a lot of things is in coffee shops, cause I see people pass right in front of me, and I feel something just by looking at all of them.
Last thing that inspired you?
A track by Metro called ‘Brownstone Express’ .
Published March 02, 2012.