General provisions

Deutsche Telekom AG attaches great importance to protecting your personal data. We always inform you what personal data we collect, how your data is used, and how you can influence the process.

Where can I find the information that is important to me?

This data privacy information provides an overview of the items which apply to Deutsche Telekom processing your data in this web portal.

Further information, including information on data protection for specific products, is available at and

Who is responsible for data processing? Who should I contact if I have any queries regarding data privacy at Deutsche Telekom?

Deutsche Telekom AG
Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 140
53113 Bonn

acts as the data controller. If you have any queries, please contact our Customer Services department or the Group Data Privacy Officer, Dr. Claus D. Ulmer, Friedrich-Ebert-Allee 140, 53113 Bonn, Germany

What rights do I have?

You have the right

  1. To request information on the categories of personal data concerned, the purpose of the processing, any recipients of the data, the envisaged storage period (Art. 15 GDPR);
  2. To request incorrect or incomplete data is rectified or supplemented (Art. 16 GDPR);
  3. To withdraw consent at any time with effect for the future (Art. 7 (3) GDPR);
  4. To object to the processing of data on the grounds of legitimate interests, for reasons relating to your particular situation (Art 21 (1) GDPR);
  5. To request the erasure of data in certain cases under Art. 17 GDPR – especially if the data is no longer necessary in relation to the purposes for which it was collected or is unlawfully processed, or you withdraw your consent according to (c) above or objected according to (d) above;
  6. To demand under certain circumstances the restriction of data where erasure is not possible or the erasure obligation is disputed (Art. 18 GDPR);
  7. To data portability, i.e. you can receive your data which you provided to us, in a commonly used and machine-readable format, such as CSV and can, where necessary, transmit the data to others (Art. 20 GDPR);
  8. To file a complaint with the competent supervisory authority regarding data processing (for telecommunications contracts: the German Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (Bundesbeauftragte für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit); for any other matters: State Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information North Rhine-Westphalia (Landesbeauftragter für den Datenschutz und die Informationsfreiheit Nordrhein-Westfalen).
Who does Deutsche Telekom pass my data on to?

To processors, i.e. companies we engage to process data within the legally defined scope, Art. 28 GDPR (service providers, agents). In this case, Deutsche Telekom also remains responsible for protecting your data. We engage companies particularly in the following areas: IT, sales, marketing, finance, consulting, customer services, HR, logistics, printing.

To cooperation partners who, on their own responsibility, provide services for you or in conjunction with your Deutsche Telekom contract. This is the case if you contract with us services from these partners or if you consent to the incorporation of the partner or if we incorporate the partner on the basis of legal permission.

Owing to legal obligations: In certain cases, we are legally obliged to transfer certain data to the requesting state authority.

Where is my data processed?

In general, your data is processed in Germany and in other European countries.
If your data is also processed in countries outside the European Union (i.e. in third countries) by way of exception, this is done only if you have explicitly given your consent or it is required so we can provide you with services or it is prescribed by law (Art. 49 GDPR). Furthermore, your data is only processed in third countries if certain measures ensure a suitable level of data protection (e.g. EU Commission’s adequacy decision or suitable guarantees, Art. 44 ff. GDPR).

What data is recorded, how is it used and how long is it stored?

Technical characteristics: When you visit our websites, the web server temporarily records the domain name or your computer’s IP address, the file requested (file name and URL) by the client, the http response code, and the website from which you are visiting us.

The recorded data is used solely for data security purposes, particularly to protect against attempted attacks on our web server (Art. 6 (1) f GDPR). We do not use it to create individual user profiles nor do we share this information with third parties. It is erased after 7 days at the latest. We reserve the right to statistically analyze anonymized data records.

Other: On our website, you will encounter several different third-party providers and their services. YouTube (videos), Mixcloud (podcast), Apple Music (playlists), Facebook through different types of Facebook-contents and social share buttons, Mailchimp in case you sign up for the newsletter and Twitter through embedded tweets and social share buttons.

Data control for the social media plug-ins used

Some of the services websites include buttons for social media networks (Facebook Like button, Google +1, Twitter button) that you can use to recommend the services of Deutsche Telekom AG to your friends and family.

To ensure you retain full control of the data, the used buttons provide direct contact between the respective social network and the visitor only once you actively click on the button (one-click solution).

When the social media plug-in is activated (Art. 6 (1) a GDPR), the following data can be forwarded to the social media provider: IP address, browser information, operating system, screen resolution, installed browser plug-ins (such as Adobe Flash Player), previous website if you followed a link (referrer), URL of the current website, etc…
The next time you visit the website, the social media plug-ins are again provided in the default disabled mode, thus ensuring that no data is transferred during a repeat visit to the website.

Further information on social media plug-ins is available at: and 1-Click Solution or 2-Click Solution.

Will my usage habits be evaluated, e.g. for advertising purposes, tracking or fraud prevention?

Fraud prevention:

Explanations and definitions

We want you to enjoy using our websites and take advantage of our products and services. We have an economic interest in ensuring this is the case. We analyze your usage habits on the basis of anonymized or pseudonymized data so you can find the products that interest you and so we can make our websites user-friendly. We or companies commissioned by us to process data create usage profiles to the extent permitted by law. This information cannot be traced back to you directly. Subsequently we inform you generally about the various purposes and techniques. Afterwards you have the right to revoke your consent. However, please remember that in this case you may not have access to the full range of functions offered by our websites.

Purposes (Art. 6 (1) f GDPR / §15 (3) German Telemedia Act (Telemediengesetz – TMG)
Tag management

Tag management is used to manage tracking tools in websites. A tag is set for each page to do this. Based on the tag, the system can determine which tracking tools should be used for this page. Tag management can be used to specifically control tracking so that the tools are only used where appropriate.

Profiles for designing the web portal based on needs

We use clickstream analysis to improve our websites constantly. The clickstream corresponds to your movement path on the websites. Analyzing the movement paths provides us with an insight into usage habits on our websites. This lets us identify possible structural errors in the websites and thus improve the websites so they are optimally tailored to your needs. Individual users are not identified at any time.

Profiles for personalized recommendations

Deutsche Telekom provides you with personalized action and click recommendations for offerings, services or products. To do so, the service provider creates a pseudonymized profile about the services and websites you access on the Internet and assigns categories to this profile. The system displays content or information that matches your profile. At no time are individual users identified or personal data used for the profile.


We use cookies for certain services. These are small text files that are stored on your computer. They enable the system to tell if you repeatedly visit websites from the same computer.

Session cookies are cookies which are only stored on your computer for the duration of your Internet session and are required for transactions (e.g. to log in or to complete a purchase). They simply contain a transaction ID.

For certain services, we use persistent cookies, which are stored on your computer for future sessions. In this case, we notify you about the cookie’s storage period.

Third party cookies are used by third party providers or cooperation partners. In our case, those are the following services: (CDN), Facebook, Google, Mixcloud, (New Relic Analytics), YouTube and Apple Music. Those cookies are in use due to several different services (e.g. social sharing buttons, CDN services) and embeds (e.g. YouTube videos).

You can set your browser to prevent these cookies being stored or to delete the cookies at the end of your Internet session. However, please remember that in this case you may not have access to the full range of functions offered by our websites. For information about browser settings go to:

Measurement pixels

Measurement pixels are simply images measuring 1×1 pixels. They are transparent or are the same color as the background, making them invisible. If a website is opened that contains a measurement pixel, this small image is then downloaded from the provider’s server on the Internet and the download is recorded on the server. This way the process provider can see when and how many users requested this measurement pixel or visited a website. The provider can also see whether JavaScript is enabled or not in the browser. If JavaScript is enabled, additional information such as browser information, operating system, screen resolution can be recorded.

This function is normally executed by calling JavaScript; nonetheless the term measurement pixel is still used.


JavaScripts are used to call the application and to transfer the collected parameters to the particular service provider/measurement pixel provider.

Techniques used on these websites and purposes:
Company Purpose Technique and, where applicable, storage period Involved as Opt-Out
Google Tag Manager Tag Management Cookie, controlling Google Analytics, 24 months maximum storage period Processor Opt-out
Google Analytics Analysis of website performance Cookie, controlling Google Analytics, 24 months maximum storage period Processor Opt-out
Facelift Analysis of website performance Processor

You can consult further information on cookies and the individual providers on the websites or
Here you can also choose not to receive usage-based online advertising from a single or from all of these companies at

We are voluntary subscribers to self-regulation as specified by the German Data Protection Council for Online Advertising (Deutsche Datenschutzrat Online-Werbung – DDOW).

Services from other companies that assume responsibility for providing their services

We use the Facebook service Customer Audience and Facebook pixel on our websites to optimize our advertising offering, provided you have given the relevant consent to Facebook. Further information on these Facebook services and privacy information from Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland (“Facebook”) can be accessed under the link

If you use a Facebook User Account, the set Facebook cookie makes the Facebook pixel aware of this on our websites. The same cookie is used to transfer the collected usage data to Facebook for analysis and marketing purposes. You can check and/or disable directly via Facebook the way in which Facebook collects, further processes and uses this data.

The Facebook pixel is a JavaScript code which transfers the following data to Facebook:
HTTP header information (including IP address, web browser information, page storage location, document, website URL and web browser user agent, as well as date and time of use)

Pixel-specific data; this includes the pixel ID and Facebook cookie data, including your Facebook ID (this data is used to link events to a certain Facebook advertising account and to assign them to a Facebook user)
Additional information on visiting our websites, as well as on standard- and user-defined data events.

Orders placed (sales transactions)

Registrations and trial subscriptions completed
Products searched, product information accessed

The aforementioned data processing only affects users that have a Facebook account or have accessed a Facebook partner page (whereby a cookie was set). The playing out of advertising on Facebook (partner) pages on the basis of the Customer Audience service does not affect any users that are not Facebook members.

If the Facebook ID included in the Facebook cookie can be assigned to a Facebook user, Facebook assigns this user to a target group (Custom Audience) on the basis of the rules stipulated by us, provided the rules are relevant. We use the information obtained in this way to present Deutsche Telekom advertising on Facebook (partner) pages.

If you would like to opt out from using the Facebook pixel, you can set an opt-out cookie on Facebook or disable JavaScript in your browser. Further information along with setting options for protecting your personal privacy for advertising purposes is available from the Facebook privacy guidelines at

Data privacy information last revised: 24.05.2018