Counting with Mette Lindberg

1. memorable line in a film or song:
As a teenager I used to watch Pulp Fiction over and over again, coun- ting toilet scenes, coffee drinking scenes and listening to the sound- track with the dialog intros: “Who’s motorcycle is this?”
“It’s a chopper baby.” “Who’s chopper is this?” “It’s Zed’s”.
“Who’s Zed?”
“Zed’s dead baby, Zed’s dead.”
2. decisions I regret:
I wish I had gotten a piercing in
my nose or lip as a teenager. It’s something I don’t think I would ever do now. And I wish I would have been more of a punk.
3 people that should collaborate:
Jay-Z, The Asteroids Galaxy Tour and Damon Albarn.
4 things things I haven’t done yet:
I’ve yet to become a mother, and I don’t know how to drive a car. Otherwise: been there, done that.
5 things I used to believe:
Only one comes to mind: As a child, not knowing English so well, I thought that The Beatles were sin- ging “Bang, bang Max go on banana split”, to which I would dance happily in my living room. Later I found out that it was “Bang, bang Maxwell’s silver hammer . . .” and had to do with bloody murder.
6 hours ago . . .
I was on a plane from Vancouver to London, coming home from our North American tour for the new album. Right now I’m on the plane from London to Copenhagen, thin- king about how impossible it’ll be to carry my heavy suitcase up the many stairs to my apartment.
7 records everyone should own:
David Bowie – Heroes
Adele – 19
Michael Jackson – Dangerous
The Beatles – The White Album
Bob Dylan – Planet Waves
The Human League – Dare
Depeche Mode – Exciter
After 8 p.m. . . .
I start to wake up after being kind of tired all day. I live for evenings and nights.
My 9? lives . . .
I’m not a cat.
I wouldn’t touch it with a 10 foot-pole . . .
A rotting corpse.
Published April 20, 2012.