Daniel’s Choice: December
What’s that? You want to know what’s been going in our minds this week, reverberating our synapses and sending broader vibrations throughout our bodies and by extension our souls? Today’s choice picks come from EB editor Daniel Jones.
The Cult – Elemental Light (SALEM Remix)
Admittedly chosen because it’s a bit curious that The Cult, of all bands, would request a SALEM remix. I’m even more curious to see what The Cult’s legion of ancient ex-goth rocker fans will think of this. It’s cool, don’t get me wrong; maybe I’d be a bit more excited if it had been one of their earlier tracks. Southern Screw Cult?
A beautiful new magazine founded by the stunning Hungarian stylist and entrepreneur Sophie Rotas, NERO Homme recently launched its premiere issue in Budapest, and will be launching in Berlin next month as well. The focus on the first issue is ‘Body Confidence’, and as a weird-looking/moving guy I can relate. There’s plenty of beauty tucked inside: Emika, Actually Huizenga, Matt Lambert, David Metcalfe, DSTM… These are just a few need-to-know names you’ll find.
Catspad socks
Got cold feet? Get caught up slippin’? Sounds like you needs some catspad socks! These are quite possibly the best socks if, like me, you prefer draping yourself in loose warm layers of clothing and avoiding cold weather as much as possible. These are pure indoor comfort; wearing them out in the world is pointless because they’re just going to make your feet stank, but for leisure they’re amazing. You can sneak around on them, or go completely ape, brutal bounces and bellyflops all over the nice wood floor but guess what: you’re going to be stable as your table because your socks have chunks of rubber to ensure plenty of traction with your action.
Published November 27, 2012. Words by Daniel Jones.