Deadred’s decade
Even though the life of independent labels is pretty fragile at the moment – and this is even more evident in Eastern Europe – there are several examples that demonstrate that with an ample dose of enthusiasm and perseverance, these imprints can continue to release records even after ten or more years. The Slovak label Deadred is case in point. Established at the dawn of the millennium, Deadred was set up by designer and bass player Martin Turzík and singer, guitar player and former medical student Richard Imrich.
The oldest DIY record label in Slovakia championed and nurtured the independent music scene in the country over the noughties with a diverse roster oscillating between beats, guitars and electronics. In 2008, a new phase in Deadred’s history was inaugurated after merging with the Prague-based label Starcastic. Deadred commemorates its ten years with a compilation featuring ten recent tracks by ten artists affiliated with this imprint, and among others, includes Foolk’s Oak Tree which has recently received radio airplay courtesy of the mighty Mary Ann Hobbs or the recent winner of the Apollo music awards Bonus (read our interview with him here).
Published January 27, 2012.