Telekom Electronic Beats

DIY audio bazaar

DIY audio bazaar Knowledge is best shared. And music lovers do this best, exchange their hottest tips, bands and labels. Indpendent music labels, fans and audiophiles will have a chance to show their music luv on today, Friday 23 March 2012 at the Chapeau Rouge club in Prague. Visitors can download music by local independent labels or support – buy – records and other related ephemera.

What is more, fans can exchange their music collections. Some of the best local labels will also showcase their ouevre – including the electronic-pop-indie imprint Starcastic, DIY label Bleeding Ear /who published the coldwave influenced Prague-based project Moduretik/ or hip hop stable Big Boss. So get away from all the ones and zeroes and enjoy a bit of analogue IRL niceness.

After you will have swapped all your 12″, tapes and CD´s (if you´re lucky enough to get rid of your 1999 best of), an assortment of Czech underground bands from electronics through post-rock will provide live entertainment.

Chapeau Rouge, 23 March 2012

Published March 23, 2012.