Easter Egg Vol. 2: Slices
Intuition tells us you potentially take offense at being inundated with images of multi-pastelled eggs and bunny rabbits. We feel the same. Nevertheless, in keeping up with our pan-religious agenda (re: last December’s 8 classic Kraftwerk Hanukkah album reviews/month-long post-sundown Ramadan postings), we’re proud to present to you our Easter Special – an in-depth look at the four pillars of the Electronic Beats cosmos: EB Radio, EB.net, Slices, and EB Magazine. This moveable EB smorgasbord will be our first, but by no means our last. So whip out your lunisolar calendars and be on the lookout every first Sunday after the full moon following the northern hemisphere’s vernal equinox, regardless of whether you’re hunting for eggs, the afikoman or tail at this year’s SNAX.
Today we’re going to tell you the story of our SLICES DVD, as well as our other EB Video activities and archives. Back in March 2005, the SLICES DVD and the EB Magazine were launched. The first one ever shot was a feature on Funkstörung, taped in January 2005 in the city of Rosenheim. Since then, 29 editions (including this year’s #1-12) were pressed on DVD and sent around the world. Which makes a total of more than 280 features. With once-legendary channels like MTV focusing more on reality shows and annoying ringtones rather than music, it was SLICES aim to come up with an alternative to the mainstream music TV system, where high-quality videos of electronic music and interviews with inspiring artists were provided regularly. When it comes to the filmmaking of SLICES, the aesthetic is one closer to an art film format rather than a post-modern, flashy style – beautiful settings and small stories take center stage.
SLICES was designed from the very beginning as being independent from the promotional cycles of labels and artists. It’s not meant to feature every internet-buzz or the next big thing; rather it’s more about filming the right artist at the best moment possible. The packaging has the same idea, each being designed without focusing on on one specific artist. In every issue, all the featured artists have the same amount of space. Everything has the same priority and gets the same respect.
It’s about the artists and labels, regardless of current releases and events. This gives each one a certain timelessness. The point is to share thoughts and sounds that will still be interesting, even ten years down the line. If you browse our SLICES online archive in our EB VIDEO section, scroll down an enter the soul of our video archives. EB LIVE. Here you also can find hours of exclusive EB Festival footage with artists such as Bryan Ferry or Apparat, , Animal Collective or Caribou plus exclusive features on our most beloved artists around like Zola Jesus.
Finally, if you’ve ever seen our weekly column Videodrome, you know we love music videos. Click here to check out our latest choice of exclusive visuals in our EB Video section.
Now simply fill in the form below, and win all four 2011 SLICES DVD copies free and direct:
Published April 07, 2012.