Editor’s Choice 19
What’s that? You want to know what’s been going in our ears this week, reverberating our cochleas and sending broader vibrations throughout our bodies and by extension our audio-addled souls? That’s a coincidence: here’s this week’s Editor’s Choice.~ Photo: Michael Aniser
Michael Aniser (Contributing Editor)
Men in Burka – Bismillah
I just can’t get enough of Kamran “the Ramadan-Dadaist from Denver” Khan’s “Ethno-Experimental” tracks. His album War/Magic was released earlier this month on Tundra Dubs. Check it out on Bandcamp.
Triad God – I Never Told You
Vinh Ngan aka Triad God just released his album ‘NXB’ on Hippos In Tanks and delivers a suprisingly fresh take on Hip-Hop.
Walter W. Wacht (Community Manager / Editor)
The Cheapers – The Black Bell
My former colleague Nico is in a group. Well, he’s not a rock star or whatever, but he and his buddy Rüde Hagelstein made a quite rock-star-style-career in techno during the past years as The Cheapers. They’ve just release a new 12” only single on Bar25 records, and this is a heavy, dark piece of music. “The Black Bell”, coming straight from hell!
Moodymann and Gilles Peterson in conversation // Worldwide Oct 2007
No words needed: KDJ and Gilles Peterson in conversation—wisdom!
Louise Brailey (Editor)
Throwing Snow – Aspera
A taster of the forthcoming EP, coming in December on Ross Tones’ own label Snowfall. One of the few things that I’ve been able to listen to as I wrestle a particularly vile cold, the dampened pads and muted melodies provide an apt tonic against the Lemsip numbness and layers of abject self pity.
Published November 17, 2012.