“Today everything exists to end in a photograph,” proclaimed the eminent cultural theorist Susan Sontag. With the ever increasing visual onslaught, the proliferation of tumblrs and fashion blogs, we might be nearing that stage in the near future. It is harder and harder to spot a visual gem amongst the plethora of trashy imagery (even though trashiness also has its allure).
Thus, competitions like FRAME, a photography contest for up-and-coming artists from the V4 countries (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Hungary), might take up the role of the visual filters. “It offers unlimited freedom to free art in the broadest spectrum from realism through visual-art imagination to conceptual creation.”
Finalists were selected from 104 artists. The winners’ works, including Anna Gutová and Gabriel Fragner who scooped the first prize for their classical approach, are on display at the Prague Leica gallery until 4 March 2012.
Published February 09, 2012.