Klaus Pichler presents Dust
Starting on February 2nd you’ll have the opportunity to find out more about the basics of all life – at least when in comes to the Bible. Viennese artist Klaus Pichler has been collecting dust from all kinds of places and then taken massive pictures of it.
The outcome is a very interesting selection that gives you insight into the locations from where he took the dust. Actually this feels more like some kind of CSI than art, because every piece tells you a lot about the people who live in these places. The photos are very aesthetical and show a broad variation of colors. Dust is a byproduct of the modern civilization, but the compositions on these pictures are something only nature can create.
Klaus Pichler – Dust
From February 2nd to March 23rd at Anzengruber Gallery
PS. Guess, where the dust on the teaser pic and the main pic comes from?
Teaser: Natural History Museum, main: Army shop.
Published February 02, 2012.