New mixtape by The Very Best

This year Mothers Day became Super Mom Day thanks to Esau Mwamwaya and Radioclit aka The Very Best who dropped an ace new mixtape called Super Mom Mixtape. Since 2008 the duo have earned a lot of fame for their debut mix Esau Mwamwaya and Radioclit are the Very Best, which went kind of "platinum" since it was downloaded almost a million times according to the band.
It wouldn’t be surprising if Super Mom gets even more attention – after all it features "very best" versions of that Kanye joint ‘Runaway’, LCD Soundsystem’s ‘I Can Change’, and Billy Idol’s ‘Eyes Without A Face’ as well as a bunch of other blue chips.
Along with the mixtape The Very Best deliver a letter to the listener in which they explain the idea of the Mothers Day mixtape: "We have called it Super Mom in celebration of Africa as Esau Mwamwaya’s home continent and the origin of mankind and music. It’s also a celebration of every mother in the world, hence why we give this away to you on mother’s day. Please make sure to give it to YOUR mom!"
Download the mix over at The Very Best’s website for the simple price of an email.
Published May 09, 2011.