Original Low Fi on Vienna Wildstyle
Original Low Fi mastermind and producer Franz Dude aka Mc O.L.F. was more than just a musician, even though music happens to be his most successful field. His first album, Black Peppermint is already out of print and in high demand among collectors. And after hearing it, we expect even more from his second tour de force, which he released on Vienna Wildstyle.
Vienna Wildstyle is one of the best – and certainly the darkest- of many up and coming Viennese labels. And you couldn’t blame Sebastian Schlachter, Wildstyle’s founder, for making it so. If you’d been through the shitstorm that is the music business the way Sebastian has (Twinnie, anyone?), you’d probably understand. He’s got our sympathy and all, but hey, we’ll take good music any way we can get it.
Go check it out, because by the looks of it, there’s plenty more to come.
Published February 10, 2012.