Pictureplane’s You Are A Terrorist, You Are A Poet mixtape
We can always count on Pictureplane to keep our heads buzzing. Travis’s Thee Physical okkvlt-house anthems were recently remixed and mutated, a theme that goes in line perfectly with his latest mixtape. YOU ARE A TERRORIST YOU ARE A POET was released as an exclusive for music/culture blog Gucci Goth, packed with syrupy club tracks to make your soul rave. “Made up of using lots of delay and slightly slowed big room and anthemic 120bpm house music. Think of Ibiza in a k hole. But with a light at the end of the tunnel.” says Egedy about the mix. “Everything I do is filled with love. There is no tracklisting because a lot of the tracks are very very different sounding than from what they sound like normally. The title of the mix is a literary reference to the essay “Poetic Terrorism” by Hakim Bey. The mix is meant to give strength to the listener.”
Download it here.
Published February 06, 2012.