Episode 71
Digital Art and Decentralized Collaboration
“I hope that the commercial appeal of digital art and the ability to capitalize on it doesn't take advantage or appropriate the work that has been done by the digital art community.”
“I hope that the commercial appeal of digital art and the ability to capitalize on it doesn't take advantage or appropriate the work that has been done by the digital art community.”
In the most recent episode of the Telekom Electronic Beats Podcast, Editor-in-Chief Whitney Wei speaks to Ania Catherine and Dejha Ti, an award-winning Los Angeles-based experiential art duo, and American sound artist Tony Cruise. They discuss the nature of decentralized digital collaboration that intersects fashion, art, music, and innovative technologies. Jumping off from their most recent collaboration titled “Automatiste,” a web browser and phone-centric presentation of Chinese luxury brand Mithridate’s Fall/Winter 2021 collection inspired by the subconscious dream state, the three take us through the intricacies of what makes a truly immersive user experience, meanwhile framing creative teamwork as a form of play. Critiques on the sudden “Gold Rush” within digital art and NFTs (or non-fungible tokens) are also within.