Pun Sarasas’ debut collection is a real Kool Thing
I’m a sucker for unisex fashion. I love the idea of flexible, interchangeable styles that look good on anyone, regardless of what chromosomes they’re packing. I’ve also been watching a lot of Buffy episodes lately. So of course when a designer comes along with genderless summer fun that looks like it was swiped from the closets of Sunnydale circa ’97 while still seeming fresh, I get a bit excited. Pun Sarasas is a young fashion designer living in London and quickly rising in the world of both design and art. He’s collaborated with Veronica So for L_A_N, and his debut collection at the prestigious Serpentine Gallery is pure summer sex (including some reflector stripes to keep you safe at night; thoughtful!) Watch the documentary below, and get ready for some serious Slayer wardrobe envy.
Published August 08, 2011.