10 Female Musicians Who Are Heating Up Russia, Ukraine and Belarus
There is some incredible music emanating from the east.
Looking to add some variety to your listening habits with some exciting underground music? It might be a good chance to turn your ears eastward and hear some of the incredible contemporary female musicians operating in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine at the moment.
Thanks to festivals, blogs and radio shows, the lid has finally been lifted on the special music gestating in the eastern reaches of the continent. Whether its the pensive modular wig-outs of Maria Teriaeva (pictured above), the introspective pop of NAADYA or the bright, dubby techno of Soela, the young female talent of the region are starting to get the accolades they deserve.
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But where to start discovering all of this great music? Luckily, the always-reliable Calvert Journal has put together a list of the ten best trailblazing female artists from the three countries, including bios and links to their music. It’s a highly recommend listen and read for anyone interested in hearing the bright future for female-fronted acts as. Check it out here. Then, listen to some stunning ambience from Lovozero above and some J-pop inspired avant-pop from Kate NV below.
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