Go Inside One Of Berlin's Best Body-Positive Techno Parties With This Video From Pornceptual

The five-hour video was posted by Boiler Room earlier today and features sets by Italojohnson, Radioslave, Volvox and Pornceptual residents Projekt Gestalten and Jamaica Suk.
Berlin’s club culture is so wild that it can make most other cities seem tame by comparison. One party that contributes to that reputation is PORN by Pornceptual at Alte Münze (which is on our Ultimate Guide To Every Berlin Club Worth Going To In 2018 list).
We’d try to describe it, but we think it makes more sense for you to watch Boiler Room’s five-hour special broadcast from last night. The resulting video is a celebration of the human body in all of its many forms set to a techno soundtrack provided by Volvox, Radioslave and Italojohnson as well as Pornceptual residents Projekt Gestalten and Jamaica Suk. In keeping with the Pornceptual vibe, many of the on-camera attendees came naked or in leather, latex and fetish gear.
You can find the video here. And keep in mind, this one is definitely not safe for work.
And if you’re in Berlin this weekend, check out PORN by Pornceptual’s 5th Anniversary party.
Read more: These are some of the best parties you can go to in Berlin right now