You Can Now Use The Deep Web To Browse Bandcamp Privately

Discover music from inside the onion.
We’re not suggesting that your listening habits are so shameful that you should hunt for tunes incognito—although we all enjoy a horrendous guilty pleasure every now and again. But have you ever thought of digging for music privately?
A UK developer has provided a fascinating public service by making it possible to browse Bandcamp anonymously. Using Tor and its associated Onion browser, you can now avoid having your data harvested and remain outside the eye of AI algorithms while you hunt for music. In the words of the developer, “the desire to ‘onionise’ Bandcamp isn’t one of being anti-Bandcamp. Rather it’s one of engaging with broader debate and scrutiny around content/market/social platforms, especially as they relate to power dynamics in publishing and sharing creative content.”
The developer sees the “onionizing” of Bandcamp as part of a long tradition in music of “subverting the status quo, making their own platforms, and creating alternative worlds.” Head here to read how it all works and to understand why anonymous music digging is more important than ever.
Read more: What comes after Soundcloud? The future of music streaming according to two experts