Telekom Electronic Beats

This Chrome Extension Gives You A 16-Step MIDI Sequencer In Your Browser

qwertyseq browser sequencer

Sequence your synths while surfing the net.

Browser-based production tools have come a long way in the last couple of years. These days, you can make insane jungle breaks that would make Goldie proud or generating cavernous drones that would do justice to any proper sound system.

The next step in this direction is an update on the Chrome extension qwertySeq(). Developed by Matt Dowdney and William Chu, qwertySeq() is an eight bank, eight track, 16 step MIDI sequencer for external hardware for Mac and Windows. This means that all those synths you have lying around without sequencing capabilities can now be directly performed while scrolling through Electronic Beats in the next tab. The sequencer can also be used in polyphonic mode and has settings that let you alter the pitch and modulation of your synths, pushing them into weird new directions.

Learn more about the sequencer here, and download the extension for free via the Chrome Web Store. Want more browser-based electronic instruments? Check out our guide to the best ones here.

Read more: Make chilled-out ambient music with this beautiful browser-based synth
