Telekom Electronic Beats

Listen To This Savage New Techno Mix By FJAAK


The Berlin-based outfit's new HATE mix proves that FJAAK is just as capable as a duo as it was as a trio.

FJAAK may have shrunk from a trio to a duo in recent weeks, but it seems the Berlin-based group have lost none of their full-throttle hardware techno power in the process.

Case in point is this new HATE podcast by remaining members, Felix Wagner and Aaron Röbig. Stepping up for the 119th edition of the much-loved mix series, the duo race through one hour of unrelenting big room techno that comes straight from the FJAAK playbook.

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Ranging from stripped techno workouts to expansive melodic tracks, the mix channels the peak-time hedonism of a FJAAK set, but contains enough bizarre sonic details to make it perfect for intense headphone listening.

It’s definitely a statement of intent from the group going forward and the perfect way to gear up for the week ahead. Listen in full above, and check out a classic video from our archives with the then-trio below.


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