Help Berlin's Archiv Der Jugendkulturen. A Unique Archive For All Things Youth Culture

The archive set up a GoFundMe to cover their increased rent that's due starting in 2020.
Berlin’s Archiv der Jugendkulturen is a true treasure trove for all things youth culture. You are looking for old hardcore or queer-feminist zines? Or maybe books and films on techno, goth, graffiti, punk? Posters and other memorabilia from the squatter scene? The independent and self-governed Archiv has it all. And more.
“State institutions barely collect these histories of resistance which makes self-organized archives like ours unique. We are an important place for people from youth and subcultures as well as activists, researchers, academics, historians and political educators. But our financial situation is difficult. For the most part we depend on external funding and often work under precarious circumstances – both financially and in terms of staff,” the Archiv writes.
It’s a unique place that has been doing incredibly work with the little funding money they get. Next year the Archiv der Jugendkulturen has to move, because the building they’ve been in for twenty years was sold. And as is always the case with gentrification, their new rent is substantially higher than the one they are currently paying. To make matters worse, starting 2020 the little funding they get is gonna be cut.
To make sure Archiv der Jugendkulturen can continue its work, it set up a GoFundMe to help raise money for their increased rent.
“In the upcoming year, we are facing a major challenge: we need to move because the yard that used to be our home for over twenty years has been sold. While we can stay on the premises and even move into a larger space, our rent will increase. At the same time, less funding will be available to us next year. We are short of 45,000 Euros to pay our rent in 2020. That’s a huge sum and the reason why we need your help now!”
You can now donate here to support this unique archive.