Telekom Electronic Beats

This Axis Records Mug Will Make You Feel Like Jeff Mills During Your Next Coffee Break

This Axis Records Mug Will Make You Feel Like Jeff Mills During Your Next Coffee Break

If you like techno and coffee, this mug is basically a no brainer.

We can’t all be like Jeff Mills. In fact, it’s hard to think of a producer that comes close to the Detroit techno don’s scope, skill and longevity. But thanks to this new “Millsian Cosmic Break” mug, boy can you drink coffee like him.

In fact, the coffee mug literally defines what it is about Jeff Mills we all aspire to. To be “Millsian”, means to be “a person of characteristics related to electronic music influenced by extraterrestrial phenomenon and activity.” Now there’s an inspirational maxim for your morning coffee before a day at the studio. In any case it’s certainly the most cosmic. You can grab one for yourself from the Axis website here.
