When was the last time you thought about Sublime? Probably a while ago, right? And yet there’s something kind of timely about the band’s mid-’90s alt-rock sound, which is suddenly appearing in experimental pop tracks by the likes of Yves Tumor and Bunny Michael.
Now it seems that same nostalgia is beginning to creep into mainstream pop as well, which can be heard in this new cover of Sublime’s “Doin’ Time” by Lana Del Rey (read our interview with her, from the Summer 2013 edition of our print magazine, here).
The track features Del Rey’s own contemporary Californian take on what is otherwise a mid-’90s SoCal alt-rock ska classic. Her cover of the song comes in anticipation of a new documentary about the band called Sublime, which has yet to be released. You can watch a teaser for that here. Check below to watch a performance we recorded of her live in Prague way back in 2013.