In anticipation of his “Body Horror II” split with Gang Fatale, out on Nov 13th on New York imprint Purple Tape Pedigree, elusive London based producer CYPHR has released a video for “Lone Peak”, a visual exploration bridging the gap between video game first person shooter aesthetics and natural extremes.
You may be familiar already with CYPHR’s propensity to dream logic, due to his “Dreams” remix input on Born in Flamez‘ EP “Polymorphous Remixed”, which premiered mid-October via Berlin’s UnReaL oc/cult electronic music collective. In this A/V trip, the visuals consists of edited footage overflying high altitudes and natural textures on the verge of unnatural graphic perfection—evocative of an oxygen deprived, imponderable adrenaline rush that accompanies visually the playful but cryptic dream territory that the CYPHR piece explores on sonic level.