Tera Octe’s New Big Room EP On PRR PRR Will Make You Reconsider Your Opinion Of EDM
'Dusselcore' marks the first release in the label's Boosterpack© series.
We get it: Big room house (and the rest of the genres under the EDM umbrella) are easy to write off. But consider this new record from PRR! PRR!—the label that seems to make every genre we love to hate…good.
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PRR! PRR! is the Belgian operation associated with DJ David Goblin and Clara! that’s been steadily injecting underground dance music with uncanny vibes thanks to their reinterpretations of disowned genre tropes. On their newest record, Dusselcore by Tera Octe, which is their first “Boosterpack©”—a new series of records wrapped in PVC like Yu Gi Oh! cards—you’ll hear hardstyle kicks. You’ll hear big breakdowns. You’ll hear cinematic festival stage announcement voices. But Tera Octe whips these tropes into an infectious slow motion slur of hardcore energy we can’t help but love.
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Listen to the EP above, and head to the PRR! PRR! Bandcamp to support the label.