This Poster Diagram Maps The History Of Acid House Music And Rave Culture

The 303 circuit-inspired image connects over 900 figures pivotal to the rise of acid as a global phenomenon.
For a style of music based on the use of one tiny machine, acid music sure has a long, storied and complex history. When John Frusciante is making acid, you know that the narrative isn’t necessarily a straightforward one. So rather than settle on the “one story” of acid house, perhaps it’s better to trace the connections and networks that have contributed to the global rise of the genre and culture as a whole. That, at least, is what this blueprint poster of acid and rave history attempts to do.

The UK-based design studio Dorothy mapped over 900 DJs, clubs, musicians, parties, sound systems, record labels, radio stations and fanzines and have been onto the circuit diagram of a TB-303 bass synthesizer. Featured prominently are many of the major figures you’d expect—like Phuture, Music Box and The Haçienda—but there are plenty of other surprising names that will make the circuit board a constant source of discovery in your quest to chart acid music’s development. Pick up the circuit board poster from the Dorothy website here. It’s available in dark blue or in “Colorplan Factory Yellow”.
Read more: Enter 303 paradise with his deep acid mix