Rave For A Good Cause With Timo Maas And Tiefschwarz At Kater Blau In Berlin This Friday

"Local Loyalty" is the latest party in LIFE ACT's charity event series.
Raving can be a whole lot more than just the selfish pursuit of a good time. LIFE ACT is a charity event series that aims to use the fundraising power of nightlife to fund good causes. For the crew’s latest edition, titled “Local Loyalty”, its throwing a big party at Kater Blau with sets by Timo Maas, Tiefschwarz, meggy, Rafael De Cruz, Nick Galemore (live), Nightvisions and Fridrich Raphael. All the proceeds go towards LOYAL E.V., an association that takes care of kids with deprived backgrounds in Berlin.
The party is at Kater Blau on Friday, December 6. For more information click here. Check out our video feature on Tiefschwarz below.