The Week in EB: March 2nd, 2013
The Week in EB feature is a platter of the finest cuts of EB content, served up in one place, once a week. The idea is that it offers you an opportunity to catch up with what we’ve been getting excited about over the last seven days. Of course, it’s become a truism to remark that we live in an era of information saturation; where every day our attention spans are torn asunder by channels competing for our eyes and ears and keystrokes and mouseclicks. Nevermind all that, though, sometimes quality is where it’s at. Here’s the cream of the crop.

Life Of Grime: An interview with Wen
The Keysound Recordings-signed British producer’s strain of grime and dubstep starts at 130 bpm and stakes bold new claim in now classic territories.

High Anxiety: An interview with Autre Ne Veut
Adam Harper speaks with the pop auteur, signed to Oneohtrix Point Never‘s Software label, making art from the dark side of the human condition.

Downwards is the Only Way Forward: An interview with Regis
This year marks the 20th anniversary of the Downwards label. Angus Finlayson speaks to co-founder Regis about the label’s origins, future, and the artists that have shaped both. Before British Murder Boys and after Sandwell District, Downwards remains.

Eastern Haze: February
As Eastern Europe’s sense of political discontent grows, February’s edition of Eastern Haze explores how music is reacting to and reflecting the collective mood.
Published March 02, 2013. Words by Louise Brailey.