Telekom Electronic Beats

Uncovering Prague subcultures

Uncovering Prague subcultures  Subcultures have been an age-old subject of interest for theorists, social misfits and pop culture in general. Shunning the mainstream – first unwittingly then determinedly – subcultures create their own communication codes – on a superficial level most pronounced through clothing and visual aesthetics (no wonder the most famous theoretical treatise of the subject is called Subculture: The Meaning of Style).

A new book entitled KMENY – Czech for “tribes” – aims to present the fascinating world of subcultures in Prague from hip hoppers to hardcore heads, from goths to neohippies, gamers to Otaku fiends, queer and emo worshippers and hey – even hipsters get a mention (even though it’s questionable whether they can be considered a subculture).

The book was created by rapper and visual artist Vladimir 518 in collaboration with a wide array of musicians and journalists who strive to uncover the subcultural affairs in the Czech capital. “The aim of the book is to capture the current state of the diverse urban subcultures which circulate around shared focal points such as music, fashion, games or art,” says the author of the publication.

The book launch is planned for 1 December at the Meetfactory in Prague.

Published November 04, 2011.