Vote for Cat People’s EB Radio livemix
The other day we replied to a Facebook post by Munich based production team Cat People (Trrbo and Kleimheist), who then had just finished their unofficial edit of Jamie xx’s ‘Far Nearer’. We suggested that the brilliant The29Nov Films, a German music video bootleg production duo should create a video for the track. Cat People then asked us to post the track on EBnet to giving them more visibility on ‘the interwebz’, to bookings etc etc and then they’d “‘get (themselves) a The29Nov vid with the gig moneyz”.
We didn’t do that, until now. You might remember Cat People from their ridiculously brilliant liveset for Electronic Beats Radio. Cat People entered this mix to the Amsterdam Dance Event’s (ADE) ‘Let’s Mix’ competition with the chance to win a showcase during this year’s ADE. So, maybe you can take the time to vote for the Cat People X Electronic Beats Radio liveset by clicking here, adding some starzz for Cat People and make them *purr*. Kthxbai.
Jamie XX – Far Nearer (Cat People ‘Wayfarer Afterhour’ Bootleg) by Trrbo
Published September 13, 2011.