Watch the new Electronic Beats Slices magazine on gotv, starting March 7th
Life is usually better when you’ve got spare time to enjoy yourself: by meeting up with friends, visiting concerts, or simply enjoying couch time in front of the telly! In case you prefer the letter, we’d suggest you to put your Astra satellite or cable receiver into station scanning mode or directly flip the channel to Austrian tv station gotv – starting March 7th 2012, Electronic Beats and gotv will hook you up with our new tv show, Electronic Beats Slices.
On four days of the coming week, Electronic Beats Slices will be bringing you selected episodes from EB Slices DVD magazine, and starting next week gotv viewers will be ahead of everyone else – since our new Slices DVD Issue 1-12 is out on March 15th, Electronic Beats Slices precedes it, starting on March 7th at 7pm.
Stay tuned for 60 minutes of finest Slices material with features on Bodi Bill on Stabil Elite, Elektro Guzzi, Derrick May, and Mouse On Mars. Find more information on gotv reception here, see below for all broadcast dates and watch our show trailer.
Electronic Beats Slices on gotv (all dates/times GMT+1):
Wednesday, March 7 2012 7pm
Friday, March 9 2012 midnight
Sunday, March 11 2012 7pm
Tuesday, March 13 2012 midnight
Published February 27, 2012.