Telekom Electronic Beats

Wolfram’s Travels: DJing for a real Sir

Published October 08, 2012.

The time is nearly upon us. This week Electronic Beats Festival Vienna will finally take place and bring the dopeness. Well, at least if you’re amongst the lucky ones that have a ticket. For all the others: don’t be sad, there’ll be comprehensive follow-up coverage and we’ll have Wolfram, who will be performing that night, on hand to tell you his version of events. But before all that, time to get stuck into part three of his Travels series. Over to him.

While the first two stories took place so long ago that I could hardly remember any details, this week’s tale is about a gig that happened just four weeks ago. I still can’t tell you much about it because I signed a contract stating that I’d keep my lips tightly sealed as to the details. But let’s start at the beginning, shall we?

During my time in New York I met not only all kinds of DFA artists, but also their favorite photographer, Ruvan Wijesooriya. He’s the guy who followed James Murphy and his band for over seven years and took loads of pictures—all of which resulted in a photo anthology entitled LCD that is set for release in December. He must have grown fond of my Corinthian accent, my curly hair or maybe he just liked my musical style, whatever it may have been, the important thing is that he referred me along with two other DJs to a wedding planner. As you might have guessed, they chose me. I’m not allowed to give you any more details about that wedding, except that the celebrations took place at Sir Richard Branson’s villa in Morocco. So take another look at the picture above and try to imagine for yourself what happened that night. And maybe, if we see each other at the festival, I’ll give you a detail or two and curb your wild imaginations.